Fish Race

Donovan’s Hobby and SCUBA Center Hosts The 2011 Fish Race Description: In november 2011, a dedicated RC and Air Swimmer fan thought about having an Air Swimmer Shark and Clown…

Hindenburg Air Swimmers

The Birth of Hindenburg Air Swimmers The Shark, Clownfish, and the Mega Fliers family is the hottest RC toy out this year. As we all know, the more popular these…

Mega Fliers Big Mouth Bass

Never Heard of The Mega Fliers Big Mouth Bass? For those who are aware of the Mega Fliers Big Mouth Bass existence would automatically come to the conclusion that they…

Vancouver Aquarium: Fish Mob

Air Swimmer Shark and Clownfish Mob Air Swimmer fans in Vancouver took 15 clownfish and sharks all over the city for their “Imagine Yourself in Our world” campaign.